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How to Protect your car from Rats, Mice and Other Rodents


Last updated on January 23rd, 2023 at 01:12 pm

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In todays day car is very useful tool or move out or travel, especially if it is a new car. Friends and family are constant passengers in one’s car. We used it for a road trip, romantic night drive, or visiting their favorite food joint, cars are usually the preferred mode of transport now days.

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No one wants rats, mice, and other rodents in their car because they do damage that we don’t want. It is also consider as unhygienic. Believe it or not – they’ll even eat the wiring in your car and it is so dangerous for car life and even your life also. In most cases it can result in fire also. If you are facing guests such as rats, mice, and other rodents in your car, then read ahead for some advice to avoid such a scenario.

Luckily, modern man has plenty of things at this article to keep them away from our cars and the wire insulation they seem to find so tasty. In fact, modern cars may be even more appealing to hungry rodents, thanks to the introduction of plant-based wire insulation that’s made from soy.

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How to Protect a Car from Rats, Rodents and Mice?

Here are a list of ways that can helpful to protect your car from rats, mice, and other rodents. You can select the best suitable method for you as per your vehicle, resources, and surroundings etc. There is also the option to use a combination of methods for higher success to protect you car from rats.

1. Keeping the Area Clear

Inspect the area where you park your car to find and eliminate all the potential hiding and breeding spots for rats, rodents, and mice. For instance, avoid parking near any bush. Make sure that there are no empty boxes, tires or any type trash near the parking spot.

Your parking area should be clean. Don’t allow the rats and rodents to make a shelter/resident for themselves near your parking area. To ensure this, keep the parking area hygienic, non-cluttered and litter-free..

2. Remove Food Sources

Living creature need food to survive, rats, mice and rodents are also creature and they need food to survive. So, if there is any food source available in car and around your car, rats and rodents will attract to it. Therefore. To avoid rats, mice and rodents presence make sure that there is no food around car or in car, this best the ways to Protect Car From rats, mice and rodents.

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Children used to drop food items while eating in the car, make your car a ‘no food zone’ or remove that dropped food item from your car when you complete your trip or travelling. Remember rats, mice and rodents can eat dog and cat food along with livestock feed and seeds.

3. Keep Light on in Parking

Rats, mice and rodents like to create shelter in dark places. They do not like light, especially at their sleeping time. Therefore, make sure to switch on the lights of the your garage. If you are not parking your car in a garage, make sure that the car parking area has enough lighting. Make sure in the day time, your the car’s receives direct sunlight.

4. Peppermint oil

Rats, mice and rodents, and similar species have a well-developed sense of smell. Rats, mice and rodents do not like the smell of peppermint oil. They can be repelled by Peppermint oil. This oil works as a mouse deterrent when it’s applied to cotton balls and appropriately fixed or wired in place in your car. This is not one time solution but its a process and needs to be repeat after few days. Peppermint oil has a strong scent, and its fragrance is possibly repugnant to rodents.

You can checkout Peppermint oil from here click here.

5. Block Points of Entry

Rats, mice and rodents are really small and could be use tiny holes to enter in your car. If you find wholes like that seal it using rat mesh. Consult with your car mechanic and try to find the wholes or entry point and seal it using rat mesh.

6. Electronic Devices or Gadgets

World is investing everyday something to make our life easy. most of invention is related to electronic gadgets. In market there are lots of gadgets available that can help you in this problem and could be used as deterrents for rats, mice and rodents. Devices that vibrate or emanate a sound that can be hear only by rats, mice and rodents. Devices comes with motion-sensitive and can be one time solution not like peppermint oil.

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You can checkout Electronic Devices or Gadgets for protecting your car from rats from here click here.

7. Do not park vehicle for long time

Some reasons we could not use our vehicles regularly. But parked vehicle for long time can be breeding spot for rats, mice and rodents. also it is not good for car health to parked it for long time. It is advised that roar you car engine and must be use your car frequently to protect your car from rats, mice and rodents.

You can read more about taking care of you car if it is parked for long time to read more click here.

8. Use Cats & Dogs as Deterrents

Rats, mice and rodents fear cats and dogs. Therefore, cats and dogs act as biological deterrents and send rats, mice and rodents away from your car. However, before you move out your vehicle, make sure that there is no animal around or below your car.

You can checkout use Cats & Dogs as Deterrents for protecting your car from rats from here click here.

9. Use Trap

There are lots of trap devices available in market and with metal one works good. Traps have been used from long time to pin down rats, mice and rodents. Moreover, sticky-tape trap is one more option to use to do the needful .

You can checkout use rat trap for protecting your car from rats from here click here.

Signs That Rats, Mice and Rodents Are Already in Your Car

Now you know how to protect your car from rats, mice and rodents. Below are some signals that tells your car is under attack of rats, mice and rodents.

1. Smell

You might come across an unpleasant smell. You might not be able to recognize it always but you will be able to feel its presence because of the bad odor. that means your car infested with rodents and need action.

2. Noise

You have to listen it very carefully. Rats, mice and rodents makes scratching or chewing noise if they are present in your car.

3. Chew Marks

Inspect your car for chew marks for regularly. Check for chew marks on the floor mat, cushion, seat belt, near car engine etc.

4. Not working electronic gadgets

Rats and mice can chew on wires of gadgets that are connected to a display unit or any other things. Such instances can result in faulty display or not working things in car. Don’t ignore such things .

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Places Where You Can search for Rats, Mice and Rodents Nests in Your Car

Below are some areas of your are that need to be inspected regularly by you to avoid rats, mice and rodents residence.

1) Vents

Car vents can offer great access to food and warmth for rats, mice and rodents. They can chew on cables and nest in dark area and warm areas near the car engine.

2) Trunk / Boot

The trunk / Boot offers a wide area for rats, mice and rodents to create their resident. It needs to clean regularly and also should be inspect regularly.

3) Dashboard Compartment:

No one check the behind space of car Dashboard or the glove box and it can be good space for rats, mice and rodents to create their nest.

4) Air Filter Boxes

Lots of cars come with bigger air filter boxes, which are common location for rats, mice and rodents nests.

5) Seats

The area below the seat, especially place behind the back seat is good place for rats, mice and rodents nests.

6) Batteries:

Car batteries are warm and rats, mice and rodents like such warm areas.

Damage Caused by Rats, Mice and Rodents to Your Car

Everyone like car interior hygienic and clean with good smell. But rats, mice and rodents convert you car into place with foul smell and in result to unhygienic interior. They chew on cables, and it causing faulty wiring. it can start a fire or blow fuses. which need to replace the wiring and really it cost you much. They can chew lots of things in car like upholstery and scratch the seats, cushions and surface. so protect car from rats is good idea. precaution is better than cure.


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