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Why is CNG better than petrol or diesel?

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Last updated on October 10th, 2024 at 10:26 am

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As petrol and diesel prices have reached to a record level, CNG is gaining popularity over other fuel options. CNG is considered a cheaper, greener and cleaner alternative fuel as compared to petrol and diesel. This forced automakers in India to focus on and launch CNG variants of their cars. After Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors and Hyundai started launching CNG models that come combining both petrol and CNG fuels.
The models like Maruti Suzuki Wagon R, Tata Tiago, Tata Tigor, , Hyundai Aura and Hyundai Santro come equipped with factory-fitted CNG kits along with a regular petrol engine. This is very good for conditions where CNG is not available, You can switch car on petrol also.

Read – Best CNG cars available in market

Here’s why CNG is a better alternative considering.

CNG benefits

CNG is cleaner and greener

It is common knowledge that gases emitted from vehicles are harmful to the environment and are one of the major causes of health issues like asthma, bronchitis, and a bunch of other respiratory issues. These gases are let out in the environment as they are byproducts of the chemical process that happens while the engine of your car is running. In recent studies.

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A study says that CNG vehicles emit 80 per cent lesser carbon monoxide compared to petrol and diesel. CNG is also proven to produce around 45 per cent lesser hydrocarbons than other fuels. This is much lesser than other fuel types.

Imagine the positive effect this will have on the environment if maximum vehicles in our country run on CNG that emits low harmful byproducts. All metro cities are suffering from bad air quality and we as Indian need to contribute in making better air for our next generation. This brings us to how CNG is good for your car’s engine as well.

CNG is good for car’s engine

CNG is considered as one of the cleanest fuel types for a vehicle’s engine as above said. It leaves much less residue when compared to petrol or diesel. CNG combustion doesn’t emit particulate matter like petrol or diesel. This results in less damage to the pipes and tubes of the engine while, in-turn increasing the engine’s lifespan. Less contamination leads to fewer of visits to the service center, which takes us to another advantage of CNG cars in India:

Lower Maintenance Costs

In general we says, Buying car is easy than maintaining it. We spend lot more money on car servicing and maintaining car engine. If yours is a CNG fitted car, the lifespan of the engine will increase as there will be less contamination of the motor oil due to the fuel. This results in longer periods between car serving processes like tune-ups and oil changes.

See also  Best CNG Cars in India - 2024 | Best CNG Car Prices, Mileage

CNG vs petrol vs diesel mileage

CNG cars are the most fuel-efficient out of the three fuel type cars. In contrast, diesel cars offer better fuel economy than petrol cars but still cannot match the mileage of CNG cars. Petrol cars are the least fuel-efficient. However, the fuel efficiency depends on your driving style. For instance, if you drive a diesel car aggressively, you cannot expect good fuel economy.

CNG is safer than petrol and diesel

CNG doesn’t come in a liquid form as petrol or diesel. Being a gas, it disperses quicker than petrol and diesel, and hence the chance of fire hazard in a CNG vehicle is lesser than petrol or diesel powered vehicle. CNG cylinders are usually built in a far sturdier manner than petrol or diesel tanks. Also, the ignition point for CNG is 540-degree celsius, which is nearly double the ignition point of petrol or diesel. Thus, CNG is safer than petrol and diesel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let’s look at some of the most common queries regarding petrol vs diesel vs CNG cars.

Is CNG fuel cheaper than petrol and diesel?

Yes, CNG fuel is cheaper than petrol and diesel. Hence, the running costs of CNG cars are on the lower side.

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Are CNG cars environment-friendly?

Yes. CNG-powered cars do not produce carbon emissions like petrol and diesel cars. So, they are eco-friendly.

Does CNG fuel damage the car’s engine?

No, CNG fuel does not cause any harm to the car’s engine. It’s a common myth that CNG reduces engine life. But it’s not the case.

Read – Todays CNG Price


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