If you pay any attention to the news, I guarantee that you hear about plenty of car accidents. These crashes can have very bad impact on the family and who’s left behind after an accident. They find very hard to come out of this situation. but why do these crashes happen? What can surviving family members do after a loved one is killed by someone else’s negligence or carelessness? Nowadays some people are driving there car very carelessly. but due to there mistake innocents are paying cost. This is true and happening in developed as well as specially in developing countries. there are some causes of road accidents as below, we can take care of them and save our self from road accidents. here we noted some causes of road accident.
Over Speeding
Everybody seems to be in a hurry, some people always start there journey late and they are always in hurry on road. but driving very fast contributes to auto accidents. Driving too fast at curve in the road, misunderstood or making wrong assumptions about another driver’s actions, loosing control on vehicle while speeding causes to road accident.
If chance is given, human is sure to achieve speed. But remember when we are sharing the road with other vehicles we will always remain behind some vehicle. Some people think it is race while they drive and they start over speeding. Increase in speed always multiplies the risk of accident and hardness of injury during accident. Faster vehicles are more open to accident than the slower vehicles. ‘Higher the speed, greater the risk’ is simple thing. high speed the vehicle needs more braking distance means more distance to stop. Also faster vehicles skids a long distance due to law of notion. High speed vehicles will have hardness impact during the accident. This is the main reason people lost their life due to hardness impact.
Drunken Driving
Drunk and Driving is very bad thing must be ignored. People takes it lightly and drive after taking Alcohol, it increase accident chances. Alcohol reduces concentration while driving. While driving driver need to alert all the time and need to react or drive depending on other vehicles on road. Alcohol decreases reaction time of a human body that can lead accident. body take more time to react on the instructions send by brain. Alcohol provoke humans to take unnecessary risks. Not only alcohol but also many drugs, medicines also affect the skills and concentration necessary for driving. Wheels of Motor always recommend not to consume alcohol when you have to drive. But if you can’t ignore it try to take cab, taxi or ask your friend to drop you at home.
Distraction to Driver
Distracted driving is an obvious problem these days. This is the top causes of car accidents as distracted driving. Cellphone/Mobile is main reason of distraction while driving. People looking at their mobile/Cellphones while driving is very risky. Also there are few more like eating, adjusting radios, adjusting side mirrors, and rubbernecking.
The brain is incapable of focusing or doing more than one task at a time and driving is highly focusing task. This means that when a driver is texting, talking on the mobile or talking to co-passengers, reading, or even eating while driving, the brain is switching his focus between tasks and not able to focus on his primary task which is driving.
Though distraction while driving could be minor but it can cause major accidents.
We recommend while driving you should not attend the telephone calls. If the call is urgent you should pull out your car beside the road and attend it.
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